How to Add Text in CapCut?

How to Add Text in CapCut: Text is an important element of a video and placement of suitable font makes the video more interesting. CapCut has all the essential text editing features and can be chosen according to your needs. Here is the complete tutorial to add text in CapCut.

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How to Add Text in CapCut?

Step 1: Open a new/existing project > Tap on Text 

Open a new/existing project > Tap on Text 

Step 2: Tap on Add Text

Tap on Add Text

Step 3: Type the text you want to show on the video

Type the text you want to show on the video

Step 4: Click the Pencil icon on the corner to edit the text
Step 5: Tap Style, Animation, and Effect to customize the font accordingly

Click the Pencil to edit > Tap Style, Animation, and Effect to customize the font

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This is how you can easily add text in the CapCut Video editor video, and customize the text interestingly. There are lots of guides available on CapCut’s official YouTube channel, here is one of them.


CapCut has various editing tools that help you create amazing videos effortlessly. In CapCut you will have dozens of font styles that are fully customizable so it can be used in your way.